Saturday, September 17, 2011

Super Things are Happening!

This copper pin was designed with a "Thank You" in mind. My metalsmithing teacher had a large commission project this summer that I had the great privilege of helping out with. As the deadline loomed closer, we were in dire need of some spectacular ribbon for the packaging. This gentleman Stan of nearby Windsor Button helped us track down what we needed, following up with phone calls to suppliers and to myself. To have a level of customer service that high deserves recognition and a huge THANKS!

I and my teacher dropped it off to him one recent Saturday. It was so nice to be able to thank someone in person. To say the least, he was shocked. A very nice moment.

After taking the end of August off for a vacation trip with my sister, I've had lots of beautiful experiences and shared moments with friends. I've lots to post of current work in progress and will be on again soon.